coolest and funniest stuff on internet

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Antartica Best Photos

Amazing Icebergs

Water is amazing.The water froze the instant the wave broke through the ice.That's what it is like in Antarctica where it is the coldest weather in decades. Water freezes the instant it comes in contact with the air. The temperature of the water is already some degrees below freezing. Just look at how the wave froze in mid-air!!!

Amazing Watermelons

Amazing Watermelons

Incredible what can come out of some regular watermelons when a hand of an artist is involved!

Worlds Best Illusion

This is the best illusion I have ever seen

Here are 2 pictures, nothing unusual.If you watch the images from your seat in front of the computer, Mr.Angry is on the left, and Mrs.Calm is on the right.

Get up from your seat, and move back about eight feet!!Gwess what? They switch places!! This proves that we may not be seeing what's actually there, all the time!!

Best Tsunami Photo

Tsunami Wave Clouds Over Birmingham, Alabama

The phenomenon was surprised a few people in Birmingham, Alabama, and is called the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.

Event occurs when a cloud at high speed and low density moves more slowly over one with a higher density, thus creating the effect of waves. Clouds form of waves arising from the currents of air moving at different speeds and in different directions.

Tsunami Wave Clouds Over Birmingham Alabama Kelvin-Helmholtz instability

Tsunami Wave Clouds Over Birmingham, Alabama Kelvin-Helmholtz instability

World Best Airport

The airport where the runway is by a beach

Maho beach is the place where people who visit Saint Martin island in the Carribeans are taking photos and videos of planes landing and lifting off passing very close to the beach. The airport is called Princess Juliana International Airport and it has become a real tourist attraction of the island.

The airport where the runway is by a beach

The airport where the runway is by a beach

Best way to Decorate a Living Room

How to Decorate a Living Room

How to Decorate a Living Room:

How To Decrease stress

Sleeping at Work

Sleeping at Work
A very creative way to sleep at work

Random Facts About Everything

4:00 AM By No comments

Random Facts About Everything:

Interesting Animal Facts

3:58 AM By No comments

Interesting Animal Facts

Interesting Animal Facts

Obama’s new hairstyle

Obama’s new hairstyle:

Funny Google Image Search

Google Image Search

Google Image Search

Creative Public Awareness Ads That Make You Think

Creative Public Awareness Ads That Make You Think

Creative Public Awareness Ads That Make You Think

Interesting Facts About Technology

Interesting Facts About Technology

Interesting Facts About Technology

How to Troll Someone’s Computer?

How to Troll Someone’s Computer?

How to Troll Someone’s Computer?

World Cheapest Flight Ticket

Of course, we all want to save money while shopping. Especially when shopping for expensive things, such as flights tickets.
But cheap flights might not always be a good idea though. Yes, saving 100$ on a plane ticket for your next family vacation seemed a good idea at the time, but now that it is the time to embark, well, too late now. :-)

Top 100 Funny Status Updates For FACEBOOK

Top 100 Funny Status Updates
1.Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.
2.Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.
3.I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.
4.Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.
5.Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose.
6.A little boy asked his father, “Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?” Father replied, “I don’t know son, I’m still paying.”
7.Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
8.The longer the title the less important the job.

Funny Street Art

Funny Street Art Of OaKoAk

Some of the best street art has humor built into it. With a highly aware set of eyes, French street artist, OaKoAk, takes otherwise boring objects like hand rails, street signs and potholes and creates a narrative around them to make funny and interesting works of art. They are simple statements done very well.

City Carved From Potatoes

Peter Root, 33, spent three weeks in Istanbul, Turkey, making homes, office blocks and places of worship from a staggering 176lbs of spuds using a kitchen knife and bicycle repair kit.

Details include TV aerials, hundreds of windows on tower blocks and the crescent moon of Islam on mosques.

Hands of artistic creativity

Hands of artistic creativity

12 Unique Designs From The IceHotel and amazing pics

1. Main Entrance, 2009, The IceHotel
The shell of the IceHotel is actually a massive structure encompassing the main entrance, supporting walls, and covering for the hotel. This structure is very similar from year to year, but the interiors and sculptures are always new. Here, before the main entrance is “Slightly Off,” an ice sculpture by Åke Larsson, Mikael Nille Nilsson & Sofi Ruotsalainen of Sweden.
12 Designs From The IceHotel

World's funniest Dogs

Funny dogs Photos

world funniest photos

World Funniest & Coolest Photos

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